Again with the jazz listings . . . .
Blue Movies . . . Monk in Oslo

There's a new gig in town . . . Exodus to Jazz

A new venue in the "hip" St. Paul Quarter and new jazz promoter (at least new to me) have announced a new series of jazz performances. Exodus To Jazz Productions, a local company that declares that it is "dedicated to expanding the appreciation and support of jazz within the Greater Rochester community" is launching a series of monthly jazz gigs in an "intimate, small club setting energized by the creativity and musicianship of world-class artists."  Lead by Jose DaCosta, Exodus to Jazz Productions apparently wants to capitalize on the excitement created by the Rochester International Jazz Festival, The Commission Project, and other major jazz events in Rochester by presenting artists who are "making major contributions to the body of jazz but who perform below the radar of general public awareness." While not a monthly list (see the Trumba calendar over the next few days for the dates or check out their site), artists currently scheduled include the Sylvia Cuenca Quartet up first on October 26 (some may remember her as the "on fire" drummer for the late Hilton Ruiz when he appeared at Montage Grill during the 2005 Rochester International Jazz Festival), Johnny O'Neal, Dr. Lonnie Smith (who appeared during the RIJF this year), Denise Thimes, and Kristen Korb. The series will be presented at the new club VENU Resto-Lounge & Nightclub, which is located at 151 St. Paul Street in Rochester. The venue seems intent on presenting these artists in a space and keeping louder patrons from interfering with the music.

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


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