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Water Street continues its foray into da jazz....

I hear through Pollstar that the David Grisman Quartet will be playing Water Street on November 14th.  Mandolinist Grisman has been playing his "Dawg" music, a gumbo of jazz, bluegrass, latin, jazz and gypsy music for many years.  The show is being presented by Bernunzio Uptown Music.  It's good to see that Water Street continues to pick up the slack where the Montage Grill left off (more on that in a later post) and bring in some more jazz, including artists like Grisman that straddle and bend musical genre, providing a potentially larger audience.  They started off with a huge gush; signing Grisman shows that they are seriously trying to keep it up.  We should applaud that and more of us should make an attempt to go see these shows so that we don't lose another venue (I think that they ended up moving the California Guitar Trio last week into the Club in order to avoid having them playing to a small crowd in the cavernous Hall).
I'm definitely going to see Grisman, if only to try to jump start and inspiration to practice for my own mandolin playing.  A couple of years ago, in a fit of self-indulgence, I trooped down to HOG (House of Guitars for the non-cogniscienti) and plunked down some scratch for a mandolin.  While not a vintage instrument as those found at Bernunzio.  I wanted something I could carry around and just jam on my own or with others I came across.  If you play "Yankee Doodle" V-E-R-Y S-L-O-W-L-Y I may be able to jam with you, too. 

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


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