More "Best of 2006" Jazz
It's time for some listings . . .

I'm not alone . . . St. Louis Jazz Notes

In meandering around the web in relation to finding some new Best of 2006 lists, I ran across the blog St. Louis Jazz Notes, which includes news, reviews, commentary and links related to jazz, improvisation and creative music in St. Louis, Missouri.  While few of us here in Rochester are likely to get out to St. Louis, I encourage you to take a look at Dean Minderman's blog.  He and I take a similar approach and, coincidentally, have been at it about the same length of time. Moreover, he linked to the first version of this blog a month before we switched to the new version. Like Rochester, St. Louis appears to have a vibrant jazz scene. 

I will from time to time highlight other jazz blogs like St. Louis Jazz Notes to provide you with some resources in case you are traveling to another city and want to read up on what's going on in jazz at your destination city.  I'm starting with Mr. Minderman's blog as he has already collected a great number of links, from which I hope he doesn't mind if I pull some from time to time (as well as some of his other ideas in organizing and collecting information on his blog). However, I hope he updates his link to me sometime!

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


Thanks for mentioning and linking to St. Louis Jazz Notes.

If you find any links, concepts, ideas, etc. there that seem useful to what you're doing, please feel to borrow, steal, adapt or appropriate as you see fit. Most of my good ideas are already stolen from someone else anyway. :)

I like the look of your new digs, and my apologies for letting the link from StLJN to here get out of date. I've updated it to point to your new URL.

Keep up the good work.

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