So you think you can dance . . . ?
Jazz Benefit for Rochester A.B.O.V.E.

Give early, give often . . . Support 24/7 jazz radio

Our local 24/7 jazz station, WGMC Jazz 90.1, has announced its 2007 upcoming spring 2007 membership campaign.  They have set a goal of $60,000 for the drive, which runs March 21-30.  WGMC is one of the last 24-hour jazz radio stations in the country and relies on donations to survive financially (in fact, their streaming has just become much more expensive after the recent decision by the Copyright Royalty Board). All donations are tax deductible.  The pledge drive will feature a variety of guest DJs and listeners are also invited to an open house at the Jazz90.1 studios, located inside the new library media center at Olympia High School, 1139 Maiden Lane, where you can drop in from 4 and 7 p.m. on Friday, March 23 to make a donation in person and tour the new studios. You can also make pledges by calling (585) 966-5299, 1-800-790-0415, or pledge securely on line at, where you can listen live any time, anywhere. Your support will help keep 24-hour jazz available in Rochester.

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


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