One hundred and counting . . .
March 05, 2007
Since I recently wrote about why I blog, I thought I'd write one about a milestone in that blogging. This is the 100th post on this incarnation of Jazz@Rochester! I'm starting to see some real traffic on this blog and that is gratifying. Back when I started the blog, I counted my readers in the 10s a week. Some days I didn't have any at all. We're now close to 1,500 page views a month and it is growing exponentially. Through February I have already counted almost half of the total page views I had for the whole of 2006. Now I realize that page views often are merely "hit and run" people who stumble upon Jazz@Rochester by accident and move on, but the number of folks who visit and return has risen from nine in the first month of April 2005 to 374 last month. Additionally, I've added almost 20 subscribers to the feed.
On the occasion of this 100th post, I'd like to solicit your thoughts on what you'd like to see in these pages in the future or what you're missing that I used to do (yeah, I know I didn't get any listings up there for last weekend). Just use the comments to this post to let me know. Can't make any promises, but I want to know.
Speaking of comments, I also want to encourage you to use the comment tool that is included in almost all of my posts. Part of why I enjoy blogging is its ability to create a conversation or community around an idea or commonly shared passion. Use comments to let me know what you think of something I post.
Hey, congratulations on hitting the century mark!
Posted by: ken | March 07, 2007 at 11:56 PM