It's a Week Before the Rochester International Jazz Festival . . . Do You Know Where Your Jazz Is?
RIJF Gets All Cultural Like . . . Jazz Fest Events at Other Rochester Institutions

Grab a Rochester International Jazz Festival Goer's Guide!

The folks over at the Rochester International Jazz Festival have posted their "Festival Goer's Guide" in the Press Room on the RIJF site.  It's chock full of information about this year's RIJF, where things will be, when the doors open at the clubs, and a bunch of other information that will help to plan your evenings at the festival.  I'm going to assume you've read it, so don't expect to see that information here.  That's pretty much my general attitude. The RIJF site has lots of information about the artists (including music clips) so I recommend that you do some exploring.  On the front page of the site you can also download PDFs of the grid for Club Pass and Eastman Theater performances.

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


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