Live jazz music . . . Served up hot!
Penfield High will be boppin...

A new blog on the block . . . Rochester Music Scene (and Heard)

I thought I'd let you know about a new blog in town.  Tracy Kroft and Don Albrecht have started up a new blog about live music in here in Rochester—Rochester Music Scene (and Heard).  While not focused entirely on jazz, Tracy is a fellow traveler on the live music scene.  You can't be much more of a true believer than this:

Music has the power to bring you joy, ease your pain, help you cry through heartache and see you to the other side. Sometimes the same moment in the same piece of music . . . can bring me to the height of heart-busting joy or bring me to a puddle of tears depending on where I am in the continuum of my emotions.

Tracy's aim is to tell you about about the musicians, music and gigs she is seeing in hopes of getting more people out to see the talented musicians that we grow right here in Rochester. We share that as well. Check her out...   Oh, and thanks for the link to Jazz@Rochester, Tracy.

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


It is my pleasure to have you linked to my blog. Wow! Thanks, Greg, for that wonderful write up. I did not post this weekend as I was in NYC seeing some great music. Other than a planned trip to The BlueNote, we just stumbled upon some great trios in Greenwich Village. I was with two guitarists and a singer, and what we experienced made me want to make my dream of owning my own music club a reality. But . . . well, it's a nice dream. Someday, when I meet you, I'll tell you all about it! This weekend, my friend Joe is playing with his band, Frontline at the Village Rock in East Rochester. (10pm) It's not the BlueNote, but I promise if you come out, you won't be disappointed in the music. Bring your wife. Your first drinks are on me!

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