Take a Look at What's in the Fridge . . . Another Great Source for the Jazz Festival in Rochester
So, What Are You Going to Hear Wednesday? My Picks for June 13th

"Da Jazz" . . . Days Three and Four of the 2007 Rochester International Jazz Festival

Here's the third (and fourth!) edition of Da Jazz for June 10th and 11th, wherein my friends and fellow bloggers Seth (Cup O' Books) and Ken (Fretful Porpentine) join me to just sit around and talk about our experiences at the Rochester International Jazz Festival.  No great jazz criticism here—just three guys sitting around a table.  This one was recorded at the Montage just before we saw the 10pm set by Robin Eubanks' EB3. Let us know what you think about your 3d and 4th day of the RIJF in the comments.

So here it is...the third (and fourth) issue of Da Jazz...

"Da Jazz", No. 3

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


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