Ring, Ring . . . Moblogging from the RIJF
The 2007 Rochester International Jazz Festival Comes to Life . . . Day One

Inaugural podcast of "Da Jazz" . . . Day One of the 2007 RIJF

My friends Seth and Ken, whom I met through blogging the Rochester International Jazz Festival, and I are pretty much just some regular guys who like to write and are geeky enough to do it online.  Last year we came up with an idea to just sit around and talk about our experience of the RIJF and record that and put it up on the blogs as a podcast.  In our minds we were going to be something like Bill Swerski's Super Fans for jazz.  Just three guys sitting around a table—let us know what you think about your first day of the RIJF in the comments.

Da Jazz!, No. 1

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


Hey! We don't sound as stupid as I expected! Looking forward to doing it again tonight. See you guys in a few hours.

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