Bop Shop Presents Paul Lytton and Nate Wooley at Village Gate
September 30, 2007
Tom Kohn, owner of local record shop (yep, still records...and CDs) The Bop Shop has been bringing in a wide range of music and musicians to Rochester to share his love of music that challenges your ears. As part of a series of jazz and other music he will be bringing in during the rest of 2007 and 2008, the Bop Shop has announced the first performance in Rochester by the duo of drummer Paul Lytton and trumpeter Nate Wooley. As Tom sets out in his release on the performance:
This is an exciting duo on many levels. They're Trans-Atlantic, trans-generational, they're both masters of extended techniques on their instruments and together they combine to make a music that's uniquely theirs. . . . The duo is releasing their first collaboration when this tour starts. We've heard an advance and it's an exciting set of no-holds-barred free improvisation.
Tom invites lovers of free improvisation and "out" music, and those of us who just like to challenge our ears from time to time, to come out hear these great musicians a "remarkable sonic experience in the atrium" on Tuesday, October 2nd, starting at 8:00 pm, in the Bop Shop Atrium at the Village Gate, 274 N. Goodman Street in Rochester. A donation of $8 is requested.