Get the wax out of your ears . . . read JazzWax
December 16, 2007
From time to time, I try to share jazz sites with you that I've come across in my meanderings across the World Wide Web, including blogs about jazz. Once such site is the blog JazzWax.
JazzWax's Marc Myers writes almost daily about jazz and jazz recordings. He is a NYC journalist, historian and corporate media consultant—and a jazzhead of major proportions. Typical JazzWax posts (for example Teddy Wilson in Denmark on December 16th or Boy With Lots of Brass about Maynard Ferguson on October 24th) will explore their topics in depth and include links on where to find available tracks and video. The JazzWax blog also includes interviews of jazz artists and people in jazz. Myers also collects jazz video. Check it out!
I feel we need to make the jazz blogs more intresting and cool . i like the way You are working !This is really fantastic!
Posted by: Moshable Music | December 29, 2007 at 10:04 AM