Pledge early, pledge often, pledge now . . . Jazz 90.1 needs your support!
March 10, 2008
Jazz 90.1, our local jazz radio station (and one of the few left in the country), is going to start its Spring 2008 Membership Campaign on March 12th. I'm going to pony up, so please show your supportand help them reach their goal of $50,000 for the drive, which will be running from the 12th until the goal is met. The station relies on your support to stay on the air. All donations are tax deductible.
If you make your online donation to Jazz90.1 between now (actually it was last Wednesday, but I just saw the email) and Wednesday March 12th at 6:00 am, you can get a special bonus CD or DVD from the Jazz 90.1 prize closet in addition to the thank you gifts they are making available at each level. Those interested can also make pledges by calling (585) 966-5299, 1-800-790-0415, or pledge securely on line at, where you can listen live any time, anywhere.