Jazz@Rochester gets Blogged (Blogged.com that is)
There was a Doctor in the house . . . Ian Kloss joins the voices on Jazz@Rochester and reviews Dr. Lonnie Smith at Exodus to Jazz

City Newspaper has its Jazz Fest guide up

Ron Netsky and Frank De Blase over at City Newspaper must have received advanced notice of the lineup for the 2008 Rochester International Jazz Festival as City published its 2008 Jazz Fest Guide on the same day the lineup was issued as they've prepared a boatload of special content to help guide you through the RIJF. Each day of the festival gets a special page with the schedule and short pieces about each of the artists written by Frank or Ron (here's the one for June 13th, the first day), with links to their website if available.  There is also a master list of the artist biographies in one place.  They're even helping out-of-towners find us and get information on where to stay and eat.  This is in addition to the fine work that the RIJF does in linking to information on their site.

Since Jazz@Rochester is not my job and only one of my blogs (although it's a lot more than a hobby now), I appreciate that the more mainstream media is providing such comprehensive content to help people organize their festival and know more about the artists. We out here in the blogosphere can concentrate on going into more depth or providing some additional perspective.  Thanks guys....

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


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