A weekend of jazz with Exodus to Jazz with sticks and mallets ... Sylvia Cuenca Quartet with Joe Locke and Jeff "Tain" Watts & Ebonix
Life scary? Go Vote! Oh and get out and hear some jazz...

Please jump into the Jazz@Rochester image pool

I love to add pictures to the posts on this blog, but have a lousy camera and always forget to bring it to gigs anyway. A number of blogs that I've come across have created image pools to draw new images from and I thought . . . why not? . . . I'd love to start highlighting images taken by readers on Jazz@Rochester. So I created the Jazz@Rochester image pool on Flickr (I think you need to have a Flickr account to do so).ETJ image If you take some images at a gig or have jazz-oriented pictures that you'd like to share with other Jazz@Rochester readers, then I invite you to come by join the group.  To get things started, I've posted a few of the Listings "wordles" and some images that I've taken from the past couple of years at jazz gigs.  Make sure that you take a look at the group rules and make sure you indicate how you would like attribution when you leave images (if you don't, I'll use your Flickr ID anyway).  Let me know what you think in the comments.

Flickr logSo, if you're interested, visit the image pool, take a dip, leave an image or two.

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


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