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Take Five Friday: A five click exploration

TakeFiveFriday logoFor your clicking pleasure, here are five more links about jazz and music that I've found in my meanderings about the Internet.

  • Last time I linked you to the recreation of Thelonious Monk's Town Hall concert that was put together Charles Tolliver. Doug Ramsey has some inside stuff on the concert over at the Rifftides blog.
  • Howard Mandel has some musings on the new President and his predecessors relationship with music in the Jazz Beyond Jazz blog with Big Ears in the White House: Obama's boomer soul, and predecessors.
  • There's a great series of conferences called simply TED that bring what they call "ideas worth spreading." The videos of these short presentations by people from all areas of life and practice talking or otherwise expressing themselves about their passions is worth a look itself. The performance of pianist Eric Lewis, who the TED blog describes as "driving the next evolution of jazz—forging new musical alloys of classic blue note scuttles, delicate improvisations and heady alt rock hooks" is really pretty amazing dancing on the ivories. You can link to the video on this TED blog post with an interview of Lewis.
  • On the NPR Series with a similar name as this (really, I didn't know about NPR's "Take Five" until I'd already started and it isn't the same anyway), last week on March 8th, International Women's Day, celebrated six women in jazz who "paved the way for women's work in a jazz world once dominated by men ... [or] are modern innovators" including Mary Lou Williams, Shirley Scott, Marian McPartland, Geri Allen, Regina Carter and Maria Schneider.
  • For those of you who like the innovative work of John Zorn, here is a two part YouTube documentary about him with footage of both performances and interviews (Part One) (Part Two).

So take five and explore. Let me know what you think in the comments ....There will be five more next week.

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


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