Matt Wilson Quartet ... Live shot
Just flew in from Chicago and boy are my arms tired ... Your jazz listings for my new kind of town

Just Us and Madeline Forster ... CD Release Party this Friday

Madeline Forster CD CoverYou may have had an opportunity to hear Madeline Forster sing as she has done a lot of singing around Rochester. Through her vocal chops and a lot of hard work (and the tireless promotion of her father and sometime band member Tim Forster), Madeline has built quite a following here and is getting gigs in some great rooms in Toronto where she is finishing school.

On Friday, April 10th, Forster is releasing her debut CD Just You, Just Me at the Boulder Coffee Company @ Brooks Landing, 955 Genesee Street in Rochester (across from the new Staybridge Inn). The CD, recorded at Red Rock Recording in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, and features arrangements by Dave Rivello, John Nyerges, and Chris Ziemba.

The party will start at 7:00 pm and go until midnight with live music all night long. Madeline will be performing with various guests including John Nyerges, Chris Ziemba, Dave Baron, Dave Arenius, Aaron Staebell, Kate Pittman, Bill Tiberio, Nick Finzer and others. The great Dave Rivello Ensemble will be performing in between Madeline's sets. This should be a great show all around. 

With this post, I'm going to start a new thing here, one of I hope many more to come. If you're a jazz artist or group from Rochester or with Rochester roots and are planning to have a CD release party in the area, send me an email through the site, provide the details and an image to use and I'll try to post it.

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


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