Still in Kansas, so I'm going to miss this jazz in Rochester
As if I didn't have enough ways to annoy you, Jazz@Rochester is on Twitter too ....

Another Friday in Kansas, but that doesn't mean you can't Take Five.

TakeFiveFriday logoStill out here with the parental units in S.E. Kansas and another Friday is coming (and going). So....Take Five (more jazz links):

  • Jazz Video Guy recently did an interesting video interview of one of my favorite jazz bloggers, Marc Myers, who writes the Jazz Wax blog and whom I've pointed you to in the direction of several times in Take Five links or elsewhere. Watch Portrait of a Jazz Blogger.
  • Here's an written interview with Saxophonist Greg Osby on the why and how of starting his own record label, Inner Circle in Open Sky Jazz's Independent Ear blog.
  • The good Doctor Lonnie Smith writes up a prescription for groove with Yoron Israel and my buddy Mel Henderson cookin on guitar in this video from an early Exodus to Jazz performance (am I right Jose?).
  • As a recovering lawyer with a lot of musician readers, friends and acquaintances, I thought I'd show that some of us attorneys really have their interests at heart in addition to ear. Josh Kaplan, who received his JD from the same law school I did (although about 10 years later), is (the) Lawyer for Musicians™ and he has a pretty cool blog/site serving up some good advice for musicians.
  • "The dozens" is an "informal exchange filled with ribaldry, taunting and clever put downs" in African-American traditions. It is also the name of a regular feature on, where the writer (who changes) takes 12 jazz tracks based on a particular theme or individual or event, providing his or her frank opinions on those tracks.

So take five and explore. Let me know what you think in the comments ....There will be five more next week.

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


Gregory, Thanks for the shout out! My tag line used to be not all lawyers suck, but I think it was already taken. I like your blog and will continue to check it out. Always good to hear from a fellow Kent alum.


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