Jazz Around Town: Snow may blow soon, but there are others blowing around Rochester
November 04, 2009
The snows start to blow soon, but so do the sax and other wind instruments around our fair city. Check out the jazz over the next seven days in Rochester:
Thursday, November 5, 2009
- The Greg Clark Four @ Flour City Diner, 5:30 pm
- Todd East @ Brio Wine Bar & Grill, 6:00 pm
- Jazz Dawgs @ Bistro 135, 7:00 pm
- Dawn Thomson & Friends @ Max at Eastman Place, 7:00 pm
- Don Mancuso & Regi Hendrix @ Little Theatre Cafe, 7:30 pm
- Ted Perry Trio +1 @ Rochester Academy of Medicine, East Ave., Rochester, 8:00 pm
- Ted Piltzecker Trio @ Grill at Strathallan, 8:30 pm
Friday, November 6, 2009
- Bobby DiBaudo @ Bistro 135, 6:00 pm
- Todd East @ Brio Wine Bar & Grill, 7:00 pm
- Cabo Frio 30th Anniversary Celebration @ Clarissa's, 8:00 pm
- Bill Dobbins Quartet @ The Grill at Strathallan, 8:30 pm
- The Bowties @ Little Theatre Cafe, 8:30 pm
- Filthy Funk Trio @ Lovin' Cup, 10:00 pm
Saturday, November 7, 2009
- Ted Nicolosi & Shared Genes @ Bistro 135, 5:30 pm
- Footnote with Harold Pannell @ Brio Bistro, 6:00 pm
- Jazz Ensemble (Bill Tiberio, Dir.) @ University of Rochester-Strong Auditorium, 7:00 pm
- Jazz to a Tea @ Rochester Club Ballroom, 7:00 pm
- Paradigm Shift, Nate Rawls and the SWAN Community Band @ Boulder Coffee Co @ Brooks Landing, 7:00 pm
- B5 @ Brio Wine Bar & Grill, 7:00 pm
- Cabo Frio 30th Anniversary Celebration @ Clarissa's, 8:00 pm
- Bob Sneider Quartet @ The Grill at Strathallan, 8:30 pm
- Kinloch Nelson Jazz Trio @ Little Theatre Cafe, 8:30 pm
- Hard Logic @ Bistro 135, 9:00 pm
- East End Jazz Boys @ Havana Moes, 9:30 pm
- Sweet Baby James @ Clarissa's, 10:00 pm
Sunday, November 8, 2009
- Bill Slater @ The Lodge at Woodcliff, 11:30 am
- The Rod Blumenau Jazz Trio @ Country Club of Rochester, 2935 East Ave, 3:00 pm
- A Snazzy Jazzy Afternoon with Jazz Dawgs @ Temple Sinai, 363 Penfield Rd, 3:00 pm
- Latin Jazz Jam @ Tango Cafe, 4:00 pm
- Rick Holland-Evan Dobbins Little Big Band @ Lovin' Cup, 7:00 pm
Monday, November 9, 2009
- The White Hots @ Little Theatre Cafe, 7:30 pm
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
- Smugtown Stompers @ Bistro 135, 6:00 pm
- Chris Teal & Quintopus @ Boulder Coffee Co @ Brooks Landing, 7:00 pm
- Joe Santora & Emily Kirchoff @ PaRe Bar and Grill, 7:00 pm
- Bobbie Henrie & The Goners @ Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 10:00 pm
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
- AMP @ Little Theatre Cafe, 7:30 pm
- Todd East @ Pub 511, 8:00 pm
- Open Jazz Jam Session with Cinnamon Jones @ Clarissa's, 9:00 pm
Heads Up ... Look for these Jazz Gigs in the Future
- Gordon Webster & Friends (Groove Juice Swing) @ Rochester Museum & Science Center, November 14th, 9:00 pm
- Exodus to Jazz presents Paradigm Shift with Bobby Militello, November 19th, 8:00 and 10:00 pm
- Steve Davis @ Strathallan Hotel, November 21, 8:30 pm
- Exodus to Jazz presents Monk—The Play by Laurence Holder, featuring Rome Neal, Artistic Director of the Nuyorican Poets' Theatre Cafe, December 11th & 12th, 8:00 pm
We've compiled these listings from information obtained from the performing artists themselves and other sources. The aim is to give you a one stop place to find all your jazz in Rochester. Please forgive me for any discrepancies with reality and feel free to let me know what the problem is, and I'll get the corrections up on the site as soon as possible (click on the "Send an email to Jazz@Rochester" link). If you go out to hear a performance listed here, feel free to drop a comment to this post about how it went. I want to hear from you!
This post was originally published on JazzRochester.