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Jazz Around Town: Live jazz in and around Rochester, NY

Riffing the Jazz Links: A few random destinations from the world wide web

Riffing The Links imageBeen awhile since I shared some jazz links with you all. While not a sign that I have a lot of time on my hands, I thought I'd reach into the vault and riff off a few:

  • JazzStandards.com, is a website that dedicated to preserving information about jazz standards. The site indicates its information is derived the from hundreds of reference books and historical documents with additional commentary by jazz performers, historians, and musicologists.
  • If you're heading over the Capital District and have a hankering for some jazz, you check out AlbanyJazz.com for a jazz calendar, reviews and other things about jazz. 
  • Want Coltrane, MMW or Mingus on your computer desktop? Jazzreview.com has a number of jazz-themed wallpaper images for your desktop created by the site's Artistic Director Juan Carlos Fenu.
  • Chicago jazz bassist Bill Harrison created PlayJazzNow.com to provide musicians with downloadable play-along recordings that could be used to hone their skills as accompanists and soloists. 
  • Jazz Inside Magazine is the new magazine by the publisher of Jazz Improv Magazine and Jazz Improv NY Magazine. Each edition includes a companion CD previewing full-length tracks from new and essential/reissued recordings by leading and emerging artists.
  • Mentioned in passing in riffing the best of 2009 links, but thought I'd note the WGBO radio show The Checkout, an hour-long music magazine hosted by the station's Special Projects Producer Josh Jackson that features what's new on the NYC jazz scene.

If you have a jazz link to share with the Rochester jazz community and beyond, send me an email by clicking on the Send an email to Jazz@Rochester link in the left panel.

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.



Thanks for mentioning PlayJazzNow!

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