Jazz Around Town: Here we go again... has it been another week already?
Jazz Around Town: Autumn Leaves ... now there's a song

There are so many ways to get Jazz@Rochester ....

Jazz@Rochester imageI know that the folks who like to see what's up on Jazz@Rochester have their own ways of accessing the blog and I try to provide many different avenues for you to access what I hope is useful information about live jazz in and around Rochester and jazz in general.  In case you're not familiar with all the ways, let me count the ways...

  • The site itself. You may have reached this blog by searching for "jazz in Rochester" or for a gig you've heard about it, via word of mouth, or merely reached it by accident through your favorite search engine.  You may just check in once in awhile or check on Wednesday or Thursday to see what's coming in the next seven days. 
  • Over 200 of you get your Jazz@Rochester via email. By doing so, you receive every post that we publish via an email, with links and, usually, the image. Some of you actually think that I send those out, but actually they are syndicated from the feed for the blog via Feedburner. If you'd like to receive the posts via an email, enter the email address you'd like to receive it on in the box to the right under "Get Posts by Feed, Email, or Mobile" that is labeled "Enter your email address:". I do not sell, spam or otherwise use the email addresses that are entered in there.
  • Others (over 100) have put the feed for Jazz@Rochester in a feed reader like Google Reader and receive the feed of posts as they are published. To do that, you can click on the orange RSS feed icon directly under the "Get Posts by Feed, Email, or Mobile" heading. Choose the reader you use and it will pull the feed as they are published.
  • Jazz@Rochester is on Twitter at @jazzrochester (go figure...) and over 1,300 people are following us there. In addition to "tweets" that have a link to the posts published on the blog, I follow the jazz artists locally who are on Twitter (at least those who I know are on Twitter) and others in the jazz community here. There is a pretty vibrant jazz community on Twitter with artists, jazz bloggers and jazz organizations from all over the world and I try to bring them to you as well. If you'd like to join the conversation and discuss Rochester jazz, or if you'd like to become part of a list I'm creating of people in Rochester who love jazz, send us a message.
  • Jazz@Rochester is on Facebook with over 235 people who have "liked" us on that platform (it was fans before...). I was hoping that this would be a place where those of you who find Facebook your platform of choice would have access to the posts published on the blog as well as jazz links and for the local artists on FB to let you know what's going on with them. If you're on Facebook, I'd appreciate it if you'd head over to the page and "like" us there, even if you're getting the content some other way. You can click on the badge in the left panel to get there. If you "liked" us before using the button and ended up on a different "Jazz@Rochester" page, that one isn't the official page and you should move over to the one at the link above.
  • You can send us a question or information via email by clicking on the link in the left column. 
  • You can use the search box in the right column to find posts that include a particular artist or click on a category or monthly archive link in the left column to browse through posts.

I encourage you to explore the site and let me know what you'd like to see more of, less of (yes, I know there are some of those...). If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask... here, via email, on Twitter, on Facebook, by commenting on a post, or even if you see me at a gig. In essence, I've been trying to build a community around live jazz here in Rochester, which has made and is making so many contributions to jazz and will slowly fade away if not supported. I love the music, so I can't sit by and let that happen. I encourage you to join the community.


This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


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