Day 6 was light ... Now we head into the final stretch of XRIJF
June 16, 2011
Due to an early presentation at work this morning, I played an adult on the Internet and limiting myself to one Club Pass gig last night—Greg Burk's Many Worlds. While I was not surprised given my research, by the thinning of the audience over their first set, I expect many were. There are sometimes people or groups at the festival who serve as talismans for me that I'm ini store for something different, sometimes challenging, often a great find. That group was at this gig... I enjoyed it.
This post was originally published on JazzRochester.
I'm having a wonderfultime during the festival. I loved Tia Fuller,Ronnie scotts show among others. Went to the jam every night but twice.Sang A-Train with a thunderous responce from the audience then John Nugent came up and tore up the stage with Giant Steps folowing Grace kelly among others every night is a night of improvisation of jazz. Thanks for your posting I was able to see exactly what was going on in town.
Posted by: whitney marchelle | June 17, 2011 at 02:01 PM