Jazz Around Town: Almost made three nights of jazz in a row last week, but regretting what I missed ....
April 10, 2013
Although I missed the gig with 3 bands at the Montage on Friday, Hal made it and told us all about it on Saturday. As you can see below, I did make two of the three gigs celebrating Tom Kohn and Bop Shop putting on 25 years of great music (with pics here and here) Monday night's show at the store that ended with a killing set by Paul Smoker et al., whetted my appetite for more tonight at the Lovin Cup. But then reality crept in ... an early morning appointment on Wednesday, a trip to Ithaca that afternoon (unfortunately I have to be back to work on Thursday or I'd be catching Jason and Alicia Hall Moran at Cornell), and this post (which I usually write on Wed., but had to start on Tuesday to get done), plus some pretty deep fatigue on these old bones conspired to convince me that I needed to stay home instead of hearing The Engines tonight at the Lovin Cup. I'll probably regret it... as I did on Friday.
Well, we're back from Ithaca, nothing additional in the hopper, so I'm posting what I wrote last night. Here's what live jazz gigs I found in and around Rochester over the next 7 days, plus some things coming up in the near future:
Thursday, April 11, 2013
- Jon Seiger All-Stars Trio @ Market Cafe at Wegmans on Calkins Road, 5:30 pm
- John Palocy Trio @ Bistro 135, 6:00 pm
- Ryan from El Rojo Jazz @ Lemoncello, 6:00 pm
- Mike Kaupa Duos @ Monroe's Restaurant, 6:00 pm
- Ted Nicolosi & Shared Genes @ Roncones Italian Restaurant, 6:00 pm
- Steve Melcher @ The Rabbit Room (Honeoye Falls), 7:00 pm
- Djangoners @ The Little Theatre Cafe, 7:30 pm
- The Joe Santora Trio with Cabo Frio's Curtis Kendrick & Emily Kirchoff @ Michael's Valley Grill, 7:30 pm
- Cornell Concert Series and JazzSpacesIthaca present Alicia Hall Moran and Jason Moran @ Barnes Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, 8:00 pm
- Eastman Jazz Lab Band (Rich Thompson, Dir.) @ Kilbourn Hall, 8:00 pm
- Audioinflux with Consider the Source @ Sticky Lips Juke Joint, 8:00 pm
- The Phat Kats @ Pane Vino Ristorante, 8:00 pm
Friday, April 12, 2013
- Greg Wachala with Mark Kraszewski @ Towpath Cafe (Fairport), 11:30 am
- Bobby DiBaudo Trio @ Bistro 135, 6:00 pm
- The Westview Project @ Mendon House (Mendon), 6:00 pm
- Marco Amadio @ Pane Vino Ristorante, 8:00 pm
- Ted Nicolosi & Shared Genes @ Pultneyville Grill (Williamson), 6:30 pm
- Michael Vadala Trio @ Lemoncello, 7:00 pm
- Fred Costello & Roger Eckers @ Charlie Browns, 1675 Penfield Rd., 7:30 pm
- Champagne & The Swooners @ Bistro 135, 6:00 pm
- Sofrito @ Litttle Theatre Cafe, 8:30 pm
- RPO presents the Music of Stan Kenton and Artistry of Tony DeSare @ Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre, 8:00 pm
- AudioInflux @ Temple Bar and Grille, 10:00 pm
Saturday, April 13, 2013
- Frank's Rat Pack @ Bistro 135, 6:00 pm
- White Hots @ Pultneyville Grill (Williamson), 6:30 pm
- Ted Nicolosi & Shared Genes @ Hedges Restaurant (Webster), 6:30 pm
- Jimmie Highsmith Experience @ Tajze's Wine and R&B Lounge, 7:00 pm
- Paradigm Shift @ Sanibel Cottage (Webster), 7:00 pm
- Groove Juice Swing presents the Century Ballroom Fundraising Ball @ Tango Cafe Dance Studio (3rd Floor Ballroom), 7:00 pm
- Gary Chudyk @ Lemoncello, 7:00 pm
- Fred Costello & Roger Eckers @ Charlie Browns, 1675 Penfield Rd., 7:30 pm
- RPO presents the Music of Stan Kenton and Artistry of Tony DeSare @ Kodak Hall at Eastman Theatre, 8:00 pm
- Sultans of String @ Greece Baptist Church, 8:00 pm
Sunday, April 14, 2013
- Rhythm Dogs @ 'Smokin' Joe's Bar & Grill, call for info
Monday, April 15, 2013
- Kyle Vock Duo @ Bistro 135, 5:30 pm
- Kathryn Cufari @ Lemoncello, 6:00 pm
- Barroom Buzzards Plus 2 @ Green Lantern Inn (Fairport), 6:30 pm
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
- Julie Ketchum Duo @ Bistro 135, 6:00 pm
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
- Gateswingers @ Big Band Dance Spring Series, Charlotte Beach, Roger Robach Community Center, 6:00 to 9:00 pm
- Ben Waara @ Lemoncello, 6:00 pm
- The Swooners @ Bistro 135, 6:00 pm
- Jon Greeno's Spirits Rising with Jon Greeno, Mike Kaupa, Matt Ramerman, Sam Snyder, and Bill Tiberio @ Lovin Cup, 7:00 pm
- Margaret Explosion @ The Little Theatre Cafe, 7:30 pm
- Vince Ercolamento & Joe Chiappone Jazz Quartet @ Murph's, 705 Titus Ave., Irondequoit, 8:00 pm
Heads Up ... Look for these Jazz Gigs and Special Jazz Events in the Future
- JazzSpacesIthaca presents Vincent Herring @ The Carriage House, Ithaca, Thursday, April 18th, 8:00 pm
- Exodus to Jazz presents The Joe Locke Group with Culture Clash @ Hochstein Performance Hall, Saturday, April 20, 8:00 pm (doors at 7:00 pm)
- Jazz 90.1 Online Auction, April 22nd to May 3rd
- JazzSpacesIthaca presents Anat Cohen @ The Carriage House, Ithaca, Thursday, May 2nd, 8:00 pm
- Gretchen Parlato @ Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, Saturday, May 4th, 7:00 pm (coming to XRIJF in June)
- Art Loves Jazz (Benefit for WGMC Jazz 90.1) @ Artisan Works, Thursday, May 23rd, 6:30-9:30 pm (tickets)
- Tessa Souter @ Lovin Cup, Saturday, June 8th, 9:00 pm
If you go out to hear a performance listed here, feel free to drop a comment to this post to let us know how it went (see the Comment link at the bottom). I want to hear from you! Please share the post with your friends who love jazz.
We've compiled these listings from information obtained from the performing artists themselves and other sources. The aim is to give you a one-stop place to find all your jazz in Rochester.The aim is to give you a one stop place to find all your jazz in Rochester. Only start times are listed, visit or call the venue for more details (the websites for many of the venues are in the right panel). Please forgive any discrepancies with reality and feel free to let me know what the problem is, and I'll get the corrections up on the site as soon as possible (click on the "Contact Us" button above). If you go out to hear a performance listed here, feel free to drop a comment to this post to let us know how it went. I want to hear from you!6