Jazz Around Town: I've been Laboring today to get you the jazz ....
Laboring away with "Work Song" ...

Dear email readers ... I had a Feedburner fail that leaves you out in the cold this week

I wrote two posts yesterday: the usual Wednesday listings post and a video commemorating yesterday's 50th anniversary of the March on Washington with MLK's words on the importance of jazz.  Feedburner, a Google product (although I hesitate to say that as they seem to have abandoned it), failed me and consequently those of you who prefer to consume your Jazz@Rochester via email.  It isn't the first time and I'm considering going with another service. I'm afraid despite my efforts at fixing it, I can't make Feedburner go back and send it out again (and I'd prefer not pulling the list of your emails and sending it out under my account for various reasons). 

I know some of you hardly realize there is a blog site behind the emails you get (so many of you write "love your emails..."), but there is and if you're needing your fix of Jazz@Rochester, just click on one or both of the links above to see them.  Of course, there's nothing to say that this post will not suffer the same fate and make it a waste of space. Feeds don't fail me now.... (with a hat tip to Little Feat).

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


Well, this post didn't work either. I'll be setting up a new email service soon. Please bear with me (I noticed a 30+ decline in subscribers since Wed.).

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