Laboring away with "Work Song" ...
September 02, 2013
Hope you're having a great labor(less) day... Thought I'd celebrate it a bit by listening to a favorite—Nat Adderley's Work Song and share it with you:
This post is serving is laboring a bit... double duty to see if my feed is working again. I didn't hear from anyone about my recent travails with the email subscriptions, which may also be that no one is really reading those posts (or that the 359 current email subscribers have a bunch of old Jazz@Rochester posts in their spam folder)...
I am trying to implement a new email suscription option (I hope) using another service that should be more reliable. Some of you may have seen a new box pop up on the blog for a bit. It's gone now until I figure out a few things. If you see it again, you won't have to do anything. Current subscribers will be automatically resubscribed to the new service.