Back to your regular programming ... live jazz throughout the year in ROC (July 2-8)
July 01, 2015
Now that we've reached the first Wednesday after the Rochester International Jazz Festival is done, it's back to your regular programming here on Jazz@Rochester. If you want to check out my posts from the festival, click on the Category XRIJF 2015 in the middle column.
I'll head over to Havana Moe's (like every afternoon during XRIJF, as the image to the right attests) to try to write a wrap up post sometime soon with my thoughts on this year's festival, but feel free to talk about it in the comments or on Twitter or Facebook.
Please clue those you know love jazz to check out the site and join us here.
We're kind of light this week, which is not unusual after the end of the XRIJF. A lot of private gigs going on amongst our working musicians as well.
After the "fold" (if there is one) you will find the next seven days of live jazz in and around Rochester. Let me know if something is missing and I'll add it in. Check back later in the week.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
- Jon Seiger & the All-Stars @ Market Cafe at Wegmans (Calkins Road), 5:30 pm
- The Swooners @ Woodcliff Hotel & Spa, 5:30 pm
- Uptown Groove Trio @ Daily Refresher, 6:00 pm
- Summer@Eastman with the Bill Tiberio Band @ Kilbourn Hall, 7:30 pm
- The Joe Santora Trio @ Michael's Valley Grill (call for time)
Friday, July 3, 2015
- Deborah Branch @ Amaya India Cuisine 1900 S. Clinton Ave (Rochester), 6:30 pm
- Ted Nicolosi & Shared Genes @ Hedges Restaurant, 6:30 pm
- David Detweiler Trio @ The Next Door Bar & Grill (Pittsford), 7:00 pm
- Mike Allen/AKOS @ Vino Bistro & Lounge (Webster), 7:00 pm
- Midnight City Duo @ Lemoncello, 7:30 pm
- Summer@Eastman with the Eastman Faculty Jazz Quartet @ Kilbourn Hall, 7:30 pm
- The Joe Santora Trio @ Michael's Valley Grill (call for time)
Saturday, July 4, 2015 (Happy Fourth!)
- Uptown Groove Trio @ Canandaigua Country Club, 6:00 pm
- Late Night Jazz Jam Session (hosted by Curtis Kendrick, Joe Santora, and Terrance Bruce) @ Michael's Valley Grill, 11:15 pm
- The Joe Santora Trio @ Michael's Valley Grill (call for time, earlier than above)
Sunday, July 5, 2015
- No jazz for you?
Monday, July 6, 2015
- David Detweiler Trio @ The Next Door Bar & Grill (Pittsford), 6:00 pm
- Deborah Branch @ Lemoncello, 6:30 pm
- Summer at Eastman: Dave Rivello Ensemble @ Kilbourn Hall, 7:30 pm
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
- The Grove Place Jazz Project (Eastman jazz students, check website for who's playing) @ Downstairs Cabaret Theatre, 20 Windsor Street (Downtown), 7:00pm (special series during XRIJF)
- Mike Allen/AKOS @ Vino Bistro & Lounge (Webster), 6:30 pm
- Summer at Eastman: American Saxophone Academy Faculty Concert @ Kodak Hall at Eastman Theater, 7:30 pm
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
- Uptown Groove Trio @ Woodcliff Hotel & Spa, 5:30 pm
- Artistic License at the Lakeside @ Lakeside Restaurant, 13780 West Lake Rd (Hammondsport), 6:00 pm
Heads Up ... Look for these Jazz Gigs and Special Jazz Events in the Future
- Bop Arts & Bop Shop present Musette Explosion @ Bop Shop Records, Tuesday, August 11, 8:00 pm
- Gerald Albright @ Glenora Wine Cellars, Sunday, August 16th, 2:00 pm
We've compiled these listings from information obtained from our own knowledge of the jazz scene in and around Rochester, the performing artists themselves and other sources. The aim is to give you a one-stop place to find all your live jazz in Rochester. Click on the links (underlined words or phrases) where available in the post for more information on the gig. Only start times are listed, so visit or call the venue for more details (the websites for many of the venues are in the right panel). Check back as I will add any gigs I hear about. Look for the next to the listing. Lastly, please forgive any discrepancies with reality. Let us know about such departures from reality if you can by clicking on the Contact Us button above ....