What jazz this way comes? (Live jazz in ROC, August 27th to September 2nd)
August 26, 2015
Pretty light on the live jazz front this week ... some new arrivals on the future events portion.
Please help me get the word out about Jazz@Rochester! Let those you know who love hearing live jazz in and around Rochester about the site and join us here, or on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. If you prefer, sign up to get the posts via email by clicking on the image of the site coming out of the envelope in the middle column. You will not get spammed, just find out who's playing around town (and an occasional post on live jazz in ROC or jazz in general ....).
After the "fold" (click the link if there is one for you) you will find the next seven days of live jazz in and around Rochester. Let me know if I missed anything. Check back later in the week for stragglers.
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