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Posts from November 2015

Starting out with Thanksgiving there is ... live jazz in ROC, November 26th to December 2nd

Andy's Jazz ClubI'm in Kansas, but you can find some jazz around town. On our way to have turkey with the fam, our flight from Chicago to Wichita was cancelled on Saturday and we made lemonade from lemons, got a room in the city, and had a chance to hear some live jazz at one of my old haunts, Andy's Jazz Club.  To be expected, there's not much going on this week and, as with any holiday, please call first to the venue (check out the right panel to see if I have their website) as some of the "regular" gigs might not be happening.

Remember that Tuesday is ROC the Day, an opportunity to direct some cash to local nonprofits. TwoThree come to mind for today's post: Jazz 90.1, the Eastman Community Music School, and Loop Ministries.  Check out their ROC the Day pages and, at midnight on December 1st, start giving!  

Please give us some love and help get the word out about Jazz@Rochester! Do you know someone who loves going out to hear live jazz? Share this site and suggest they join us here, or on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. If they prefer, they sign up to get our posts via email by clicking on the image of the site coming out of the envelope in the middle column. 

After the "fold" (click the link if there is one for you) you will find the next seven days of live jazz in and around Rochester. Let me know if any regular gigs below are no longer happening.  Check back later in the week for stragglers.

Continue reading "Starting out with Thanksgiving there is ... live jazz in ROC, November 26th to December 2nd" »

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.

Counting down to Turkey Day, but there is ... Live jazz in ROC, November 19-25

Jazz Club signAgain, it is pretty light out there over the next seven days, but there is live jazz to be had out there.  Let me know if I missed anything....

Please give us some love and help get the word out about Jazz@Rochester! Do you know someone who loves going out to hear live jazz? Share this site and suggest they join us here, or on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. If they prefer, they sign up to get our posts via email by clicking on the image of the site coming out of the envelope in the middle column. 

After the "fold" (click the link if there is one for you) you will find the next seven days of live jazz in and around Rochester. Let me know if any regular gigs below are no longer happening.  Check back later in the week for stragglers.

Continue reading "Counting down to Turkey Day, but there is ... Live jazz in ROC, November 19-25" »

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.

It's harder to find, but there is ... (Live jazz in ROC, November 12-18)

Jazz 1 way sign

I know there's more out there, but if no one lets me know what can I do?  When you're out hearing some live jazz, let the band or the venue know what we do here. Here's the next seven days of jazz in and around ROC. If you hear of something else, let me know and I'll add it. Pretty please....?

Please give us some love and help get the word out about Jazz@Rochester! Do you know someone who loves going out to hear live jazz? Share this site and suggest they join us here, or on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. If they prefer, they sign up to get our posts via email by clicking on the image of the site coming out of the envelope in the middle column. 

After the "fold" (click the link if there is one for you) you will find the next seven days of live jazz in and around Rochester. Let me know if any regular gigs below are no longer happening.  Check back later in the week for stragglers.

Continue reading "It's harder to find, but there is ... (Live jazz in ROC, November 12-18)" »

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.

Post-election blues? ... why not jazz it up (Live jazz in ROC, November 5-11)

B&Jazz with sax

Not a lot to report this week. I'm hitting the Sun Ra Arkestra gig tomorrow. See you there?  Let me know if you know of something I can fill my "empty" spaces.  No jazz for you?  Two days?  That's not right!

Please give us some love and help get the word out about Jazz@Rochester! Do you know someone who loves going out to hear live jazz? Share this site and suggest they join us here, or on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. If they prefer, they sign up to get our posts via email by clicking on the image of the site coming out of the envelope in the middle column. 

After the "fold" (click the link if there is one for you) you will find the next seven days of live jazz in and around Rochester. Let me know if I missed anything or if any regular gigs below are no longer happening.  Check back later in the week for stragglers.

Continue reading "Post-election blues? ... why not jazz it up (Live jazz in ROC, November 5-11)" »

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.