As we slide toward XRIJF, there is ... Live jazz around Rochester, May 31st to June 6th
May 30, 2018
It's June! just over 20 days until the Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival begins. Until then, feast your ears on the jazz you can hear throughout the year! Lots of it out in Fairport this weekend....
We collect as much of the live jazz in and around Rochester as we can find so you don't have to do it yourself ... right here, every Wednesday in JazzRochester. I really need your help to grow a more vibrant community for live jazz here in Rochester by sharing this post or this site with those you know who love live jazz. Share with the buttons! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram! Sign up to receive our posts via email (there's a link at the top of the site).
As always, let me know if any gigs below are no longer happening, if I got something wrong wrong, or if you have heard of something that's not in these listings that I can add. To do that just click on the Contact Us button above this post.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
- The Swooners @ Horizons Lounge at Woodcliff Hotel & Spa (Perinton), 5:30 pm
- Seth Sealfon Jazz Duo @ Favo Pizza (Pittsford), 5:30 pm
- Eastman-Rochester New Horizons: Big Band & Chorus @ Kilbourn Hall, 6:00 pm
- The Djangoners @ The Little Theatre Cafe, 7:00 pm
- Ott & Davis @ Via Girasole Wine Bar, 7:00 pm
- Joe Santora with Curtis Kendrick @ Michael's Valley Grill (Penfield), 7:30 pm
- Mark Kellogg Two Night Stand @ Joe Bean Coffee Roasters, 9:00 pm
Friday, June 1, 2018
- Jazz at Fairport Canal Days (check out the website here and watch for a post later) @ Downtown Fairport on the Canal, 5:00-9:00 pm (see link for times)
- Greg Wachala @ Lake Drum Brewing (Geneva), 4:30 pm
- Hanna PK & Tony Hiler @ Lemoncello, call for time
- First Friday Jazz Vespers "The Long Green Season" with Kim Merrill (vocals), Brandon Choi (trumpet), Sterling Cozza (piano), Eugene Bisdikian (bass) @
Two Saints Episcopal Church of St Luke and St Simon Cyrene, 17 S Fitzhugh St. (Rochester), 5:15 pm - AKG First Friday Jazz And Happy Hour With Walter Kemp 3oh! @ Albright-Knox Art Gallery (Buffalo), 5:30 pm
- Mark Cassara @ Mendon 64 Restaurant, 6:30 pm
- Uptown Groove Latin Jazz Trio @ La Casa, 6:30 pm
- Friday Jazz at Immanuel with Mike Melito Quartet with Bob Sneider, Dan Vitale, and Doug Stone @ Immanuel Baptist Church (Park Ave.), 7:00 pm
- The Stan Martinelli Project @ Via Girasole Wine Bar, 7:00 pm
- Gap Mangione New Blues Band @ Horizons Lounge at Woodcliff Hotel & Spa (Perinton), 7:30 pm
- Fred Costello & Roger Eckers Jazz Duo @ Charlie Brown's, 7:30 pm
- Joe Santora with Curtis Kendrick @ Michael's Valley Grill (Penfield), 7:30 pm
- The Big Jazz Small Band @ The Little Theatre Cafe, 8:00 pm
- Mark Kellogg Two Night Stand @ Joe Bean Coffee Roasters, 9:00 pm
Saturday, June 2, 2018
- Jazz at Fairport Canal Days (check out the website here and watch for a post later) @ Downtown Fairport on the Canal, 11:00 am to 6:00 pm (see link for times)
- Greg Wachala @ Lock 32 (Pittsford), 2:00 pm
- Drew Diekmann @ Mendon 64 Restaurant, 6:30 pm
- Andy Calabrese & Chet Catallo @ Via Girasole Wine Bar, 7:00 pm
- Uptown Groove Acoustic Jazz Duo @ Nick’s Chophouse, 7:30 pm
- Special Blend @ Horizons Lounge at Woodcliff Hotel & Spa (Perinton), 7:30 pm
- Fred Costello & Roger Eckers Jazz Duo @ Charlie Brown's, 7:30 pm
- Joe Santora with Curtis Kendrick & Terrance Bruce @ Michael's Valley Grill (Penfield), 7:30 pm
- Sean Jones @ PMLJC Celestial Jazz Series, Central Park United Methodist Church, 216 Beard Avenue (Buffalo), 8:00 pm
Sunday, June 3, 2018
- Bill Slater @ Horizons Lounge at Woodcliff Hotel & Spa (Perinton), 11:00 am
- Jazz at Fairport Canal Days (check out the website here and watch for a post later) @ Downtown Fairport on the Canal, 11:30 am to 5:00 pm (see link for times)
- Rochester Metropolitan Jazz Orchestra with the Irondequoit Chorale @ Bishop Kearney High School, 125 Kings Hwy S (Rochester), 3:00 pm
- Jon Seiger and the All-Stars Jazz Jam @ Funk 'N Waffles Rochester, 3:00 pm (bring your horn, or voice, and sit in with the trio)
Monday, June 4, 2018
- Bop Shop Records presents David Murray and Kahil El'Zabar Duo @ Bop Shop Records, 8:00 pm
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
- June Jazz Combos: Jeff Campbell Trio @ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County 115 South Avenue (Rochester), noon
- Grove Street Jazz Project @ Downstairs Cabaret Theatre, 7:00 pm (see link for who's playing)
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
- 2018 Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival Launch Party with Significant Other @ The Backroom at the Record Archive, 5:00-8:00 pm
- Alan Murphy Trio @ Horizons Lounge at Woodcliff Hotel & Spa (Perinton), 5:30 pm
- Hoffman-Lemish Quartet @ Jewish Community Center, Hart Theatre (Edgewood Avenue), 7:00 pm
- Soul Express @ Michael's Valley Grill (Penfield), 7:00 pm
Miss the Blues on WGMC? Here is a little something for you....
- Hanna and the Blue Hearts @ Farmer’s Creekside Inn (Leroy), Saturday, June 2, 7:30 pm
Heads Up ... Look for these Jazz Gigs and Special Jazz Events Coming Soon
- Thelonious Monk Centennial Celebration features T.S. Monk with special guest Snydee Winters @ Smith Opera House, Center for the Arts, 82 Seneca St. (Geneva), Saturday, June 9th, 7:30 pm
- Jazz90.1 Jazz Cruise featuring The Smugtown Stompers @ The Colonial Belle (Fairport at the Canal), Monday, June 11th, 6:30 pm (more info & tickets)
- Bop Shop Records presents the Samuel Blaser Trio @ Bop Shop Records, Tuesday, June 12th, 8:00 pm
- Najee @ Tralf Music Hall (Buffalo), Saturday, June 16th, 6:00 pm & 9:00 pm (tickets)
- Bop Shop Records and Bop Arts present the Todd Marcus Quintet @ Bop Shop Records, Sunday, June 17th, 8:00 pm
- Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival @ Rochester!, June 22-30 (watch for coverage)
- Bop Shop Records presents the Ben Goldberg & Kirk Knuffke Duo @ Bop Shop Records, Saturday, July 21st 8:00 pm
We've compiled these listings from information obtained from our own knowledge of the jazz scene in and around Rochester, the performing artists themselves and other sources. The aim is to give you a one-stop place to find all your live jazz in and around Rochester. Click on the links (underlined words or phrases) where available in the post for more information on the gig. Only music start times are listed, so visit or call the venue for more details about when the doors open, etc. (the websites for many of the venues are in the right panel). Check back as I will add any gigs I hear about after publication (look for the graphic next to the listing). Lastly, please forgive me where these listings prove to be wrong, I rely on you, the venues and the artists to let me know when we've got bad information, so don't hesitate to let us know about such departures from reality by clicking on the Contact Us link above.