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Posts from July 2018

Where can I find? ... Live jazz in ROC, July 26th to August 1st

There is live jazz image

If you look hard enough you can find it ... start here, but if you find something that I haven't added below, please drop me a line (use the Contact Us link above) and give me the deets and I'll add it. 

As always, let me know if any gigs below are no longer happening, if I got something wrong wrong, or if you have heard of something that's not in these listings that I can add.  To do that just click on the Contact Us link above this post. 

Continue reading "Where can I find? ... Live jazz in ROC, July 26th to August 1st" »

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.

Yes, even with the heat there is ... Live jazz in and around Rochester, July 19th through 25th

Jazz 1-way imageYes, it's been very hot (we here at the home of JazzRochester were very aware of it with our HVAC going out during the last heat wave that hit the XRIJF).  But this week we found out there will be a new name sponsor for the Rochester International Jazz Festival.  We all knew it was coming with Xerox leaving the Rochester area for the most part, didn't we?  Who's the new sponsor? Local media group CGI Communications will be taking on the sponsorship starting next year, for the festival running from June 21-29.  I guess we go back to calling it the RIJF? Welcome... we at JazzRochester look forward to working with you in promoting this great festival of music that brings thousands downtown for 9 days in June. 

As always, let me know if any gigs below are no longer happening, if I got something wrong wrong, or if you have heard of something that's not in these listings that I can add.  To do that just click on the Contact Us link above this post. 

Continue reading "Yes, even with the heat there is ... Live jazz in and around Rochester, July 19th through 25th" »

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.

Webster, NY, where jazz is worth hearing ... The Webster Jazz Festival, July 20-21

image from pg1.b5z.netEvery year there is a jazz festival, chock full of ROC area artists, in the Village of Webster. This year is no different, it'e their 11th.  It's usually a family-friendly, laid-back event. On Friday night, the action is in restaurants and pubs in the Village.  On Saturday, the festival and music moves to the street.  Check out Webster's jazz festival site for more information on the the Pubs (and their menus) and where to park, etc.

Friday July 20th, Jazz in the Pubs

  • Carlton Wilcox @ Sweet Wood BBQ, 6:15 pm
  • El Rojo Jazz @ The Coach Sports Bar, 6:30 pm
  • Higher Ground with Vince Ercolamento and Joe Chiappone @ Barry's Old School Pub, 7:00 pm
  • Marco Amadio @ The Brimont Bistro, 7:00 pm
  • Paradigm Shift @ Plotty's Bar, 7:30 pm
  • Amanda Ashley @ Pub 235, 8:00 pm
  • Jimmie Highsmith Jr. @ Coach Sports Bar, 9:15pm

Saturday July 21st Jazz on the Street (All on the West Main Street Main Stage)

  • The Klick, 6:00 to 7:15 pm
  • The Bill Tiberio Band, 7:30 to 8:45 pm
  • Prime Time Funk, 9:15 to 11:00 pm
This post was originally published on JazzRochester.

Exodus to Jazz brings a double whammy of jazz to Anthology, July 19th

ETJ logo

Exodus To Jazz is bringing internationally-known contemporary jazz guitarist Marc Antoine this Thursday, July 19th to Anthology. Following his popular 2017 CD with David Benoit (So Nice!), Antoine’s quartet will be playing a selection of Latin and contemporary jazz. Antoine has produced a number of studio albums, as well as working with a variety of contemporary jazz and other artists, including Sting, Basia, Selena, rappers like Guru's Jazzmatazz project and Queen Latifah, and the acid jazz hipsters the Solsonics and DJ Greyboy.  He gets around...

Opening for Antoine will be local soul  Paradigm Shift, joined by tenor sax great JD Allen. Tickets are available here, which includes a floor plan of Anthology so you can score the good seats...  Doors open at 6:00 pm with Paradigm Shift and JD Allen hitting the stage at 7 and Marc Antoine's Quartet taking it at 7:50.  

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.

Here come the summer and festivals ... Live jazz in and around ROC, July 12th through 18th

Find Live Jazz Here imageYes, it's festival season here in Rochester.  First up after XRIJF, the Corn Hill Arts Festival, and yes there will be some jazz there.  I've pulled what's on offer out below.  Of course, there's lots of other good music at the festival, so check out the complete schedule here.

As always, let me know if any gigs below are no longer happening, if I got something wrong wrong, or if you have heard of something that's not in these listings that I can add.  To do that just click on the Contact Us link above this post. 

Continue reading "Here come the summer and festivals ... Live jazz in and around ROC, July 12th through 18th" »

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.

Remembering the Ridgecrest Inn and Stan ... A guest post by Frank A. Salamone

Noal Cohen has chronicled jazz in 1950 and 1960s Rochester on his AtticToys site.  He makes clear just how vital that period was, and how much Rochester shared in that history. Noal’s list of jazz artists who played in Rochester is a who’s who of jazz at the time. I noticed that Noal was also a great fan of the Ridge Crest Inn. Like him, I heard my fair share of jazz there, most for the first time in person: Dizzy Gillespie, Art Blakey, Oscar Peterson, Charlie Ventura, Carmen McCrae, Ray Bryant, and so many others. I noted that in 1957, the year I turned 18, Stan Getz was playing a gig there from March 19-24.

That performance stands out in my memory, although I had thought the date was March 26, my birthday. It stands out because Jane Morey, the owner, brought Stan to my table and asked him to sit down with my cousin, Jack, and me. We told Jane we were celebrating my 18th birthday. True enough. But we were celebrating it early by two days. I need to note that at that time 18 was the legal drinking age, so we wanted to be able to eat and drink.

In March of 1957, Stan was not in the best period of his career in playing well and was in a sullen mood. He nursed the drink we bought him and answered our over-eager questions in monosyllables. It didn’t matter. Stan was an icon and he was at our table. We were happy to share it with him. When he resumed playing we watched his every move carefully, applauding along with the sell-out crowd. The birthday party was a success as far as I was concerned.

A year later I spoke with a more congenial version of Stan. I was teaching a Jazz and Society class in New York. I called Stan and asked him to speak to my class. Stan offered me many dates, but our schedules didn’t work out. He seemed very disappointed and spoke easily with me, in contrast with our earlier meeting. Stan had kicked his drug habit, was remarried, and was living in California by that time. These changes had mellowed him out, and many others had noted his gentler demeanor and stronger playing.

I found another remembrance of the Ridgecrest Inn in the D&C from 2014. What are your memories of the Ridgecrest Inn? Please add a comment by clicking on the link below this post and let us know! I'll pass your comments on to Frank for a response.  If you have an image from that time send it to me with an acknowledgment of who took it so I can add that.

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.

No fireworks for me, gotta write the post letting you know about ... Live jazz in ROC from July 5th through July 11th

Jazz 411 for other 356 Days imageSo, another XRIJF is over and we go back to the other 356 days of live jazz in and around Rochester for the rest of the year.  This is where you'll find it.  Hope you enjoyed the coverage of the festival while I was there (had to miss a few days due to health reasons).  Let me know in the comments how your XRIJF was this year!

As always, let me know if any gigs below are no longer happening, if I got something wrong wrong, or if you have heard of something that's not in these listings that I can add.  To do that just click on the Contact Us link above this post. 

Continue reading "No fireworks for me, gotta write the post letting you know about ... Live jazz in ROC from July 5th through July 11th" »

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.