Erin go bebop ... Live jazz around ROC, March 12-18
The Rochester International Jazz Festival is a go ... for now

JazzRochester In the Time of Coronavirus

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.After the state announced that bars and restaurants throughout New York will be restricted to takeout and delivery as of 8:00 pm tonight, it became clear that the fight against community spread of the c0ronavirus would wipe out the rest of the jazz gigs in and around Rochester and our weekly posting of listings for the week would thus be an exercise in futility.  So I am putting the listings posts on hiatus until such a time that things, I hope, return to whatever our new normal will be. I will also post about developments regarding the Rochester International Jazz Festival (the lineup of which is being announced tomorrow... I think).  You can assume that everything on that list below has been cancelled or postponed.

In the meantime, I'll try to write some posts about rebuilding a community of jazz listeners in Rochester to support local and other jazz musicians after the time of Coronavirus, and about innovative ways that jazz musicians and venues are getting their music out while maintaining social distance.

Stay well...

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


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