Better late than never to find ... Live jazz around ROC, September 14-20
While the test failed, we soldier on to provide you ... Live jazz in Rochester, September 21-27

A test for our JazzRochester email subscribers...

IGiveUpWhile there are still some issues with the feed that creates these emails, I think that I may have fixed things (at least temporarily) and needed to test to see what happens when I publish a new post. If email subscribers receive this in shortly after 7:00 pm tonight, I think we're back in business while I get these issues cleared up.  You may even receive the Wednesday post at that point.  If no email at that time, then I'm afraid I'll be sending links to new posts going forward until I have this figured out or get a new platform (which is quite an effort given the 16+ years of content I've created).

This post was originally published on JazzRochester.


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